Posts tagged 032823
If your plans always fail

One of the pitfalls I’ve observed when people try to change their lives is that they try to change everything at once.

The person who hasn’t set foot in a library for years is going to try to read 52 books before December 31, or the person obsessed with Twitter and dating apps decides to go on a no-phone diet.

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Setting your sails

I’m starting to get sailing.

It’s funny to write that at the end of December when our boat is up on poppets at the boatyard and will be for months. But it’s true, I’m starting to figure it out.

I used to think that the boat went in the direction that the wind is blowing. But that’s what would happen in a boat with no rudder (and no keel).

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When I get caught up

I thought I was so busy this spring.

I was serving as the executive director of a tiny school and head coach of two different online workshops. I was working with a few clients and writing regularly. Plus, I had a long commute.

I would regularly work weekends in order to get a little ahead and reduce stress for the week ahead. Thus, I managed to have time for tennis most evenings and had a decent social life as well.

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