Posts tagged 012323
Becoming sixteen

When I was in my late twenties, I thought I might want to take up tennis.

I didn’t actually pursue it consistently — my life was too chaotic. However, I took a lesson at my mom’s club during a visit with family. My younger sister, who had played tennis in high school, was gracious enough to go down to the high school courts with me and hit some balls around.

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When playing a musical instrument, proper technique is the path of least resistance.

It only seems more difficult to use correct technique if you’ve developed a habit of playing a different way.

You are actually more effective when you work less hard.

As with a lot of physical skills from weight-lifting to running to using a kitchen knife, refining your technique is actually a matter of removing unnecessary effort, doing the most with the least.

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Setting your sails

I’m starting to get sailing.

It’s funny to write that at the end of December when our boat is up on poppets at the boatyard and will be for months. But it’s true, I’m starting to figure it out.

I used to think that the boat went in the direction that the wind is blowing. But that’s what would happen in a boat with no rudder (and no keel).

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Good is not enough

Oh, what I wish I knew when I started my first business!

It was (and still is) a music school.

I put great care into the user experience, not only for the students and their parents, but for my teaching and admin team.

I built processes and procedures that minimized errors and ensured that no client request would fall through the cracks.

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