Posts tagged 111622
Following my own advice

Yesterday, while driving, I came up with a new way of visualizing the relationships between the programs I’d like to offer.

I held it in my mind and committed it to paper later that day. It’s starting to make sense. However, the diagram I drew made me realize that there are still some pieces missing. And what is the overarching theme?

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When I get caught up

I thought I was so busy this spring.

I was serving as the executive director of a tiny school and head coach of two different online workshops. I was working with a few clients and writing regularly. Plus, I had a long commute.

I would regularly work weekends in order to get a little ahead and reduce stress for the week ahead. Thus, I managed to have time for tennis most evenings and had a decent social life as well.

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After I get my work done

This spring, when I had a long and complicated commute in a sprawling city, I found myself looking forward to being back in Maine, able to create my own schedule.

I spent several hours a day at work, serving as the director of the microschool I founded ten years ago.

Solitude was scarce, and free time was limited.

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