Posts tagged 032223
Stop being thorough

The thing I appreciate most about being “the boss” is that I don’t have to spend a ton of time worrying about what “the boss” wants.

Sure, I try to do good work for clients. But I get to decide what that “good work” looks like and feels like. If the client and I have a mismatch, that’s not the right client for me.

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If your plans always fail

One of the pitfalls I’ve observed when people try to change their lives is that they try to change everything at once.

The person who hasn’t set foot in a library for years is going to try to read 52 books before December 31, or the person obsessed with Twitter and dating apps decides to go on a no-phone diet.

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Room for dessert

It’s 1:30 PM Eastern. I’ve already been awake for more than ten hours.

Yep, 3:20 AM is when the ol’ alarm went off. Early flight. I miss living in Atlanta where it seems like there are several direct flights daily to just about anywhere you might want to go.

But now, long-distance travel often requires an overnight stay away from home before we even get on the plane, and slim pickins as to the actual itinerary.

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Focus guilt

There's something tricky that happens when we transition from being given tasks or projects directly to learning how to manage ourselves.

In order to function successfully as a knowledge worker, we have to be able to prioritize. and if we’re not used to prioritizing, they will end up in a situation in which we feel guilty for picking one task over another. 

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A game plan for what’s next

How do you move forward with a project you care about?

With my first three-month group program concluding and another about to begin, it a good moment to share what I’ve learned. How do we ensure progress toward our goals? And do our goals even matter if we wind up heading in a different direction from where we thought we were going at the beginning?

Early in the summer, I struggled with putting a group together and what to call it. I decided to follow my own process and start with what I had, raw and unpolished.

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