Posts tagged 022423
What to do on which day

On the one hand, a hand-written to-do list is simple and elegant.

You write down what you’re going to do, and then do the things, one by one.

It has its limitations, though. One weakness of the written to-do list is that today is the only day that you can plan for.

My days got a lot more productive when I could assign tasks to specific days in the future and track them accordingly.

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Setting your sails

I’m starting to get sailing.

It’s funny to write that at the end of December when our boat is up on poppets at the boatyard and will be for months. But it’s true, I’m starting to figure it out.

I used to think that the boat went in the direction that the wind is blowing. But that’s what would happen in a boat with no rudder (and no keel).

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Doubling down

I have a tendency to slow down when things are going well.

It as though I’m heading off the highway and into a small, sleepy town. I have the sense that I’ve arrived at my destination. It’s 25 mph here, not 70. I wind through the streets, slowly taking turn after familiar turn.

That’s fine if I’m actually there. But more often than not, I’m not. I’m slowing down and exiting when I still have miles and miles to go.

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Getting better at planning

I’ve observed that many high-achieving creatives, leaders, and business owners have a dirty little secret: They struggle with planning.

They rely on a clear vision, external accountability, or both in order to successfully navigate professional life.

And sometimes they pull all-nighters or all-weekenders in order to make up for the missing plan.

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