Posts tagged 082122
The first pitfall

I’m starting to build a map of the experience of a creative person who longs to create something new.

I’m thinking of it almost as an old school board game-style journey, like Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, or Life — except with less randomness.

There are choices to be made along the way. Some of those choices keep you progressing linearly. Some open up shortcuts. And some are dead ends.

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The confused artist

Back when I was trying for a career as a singer/songwriter, I gave no thought to what other people might enjoy.

I tried to make my songs catchy and clever because I liked songs that were catchy and clever. But if anyone else happened to like them, that was more or less a coincidence. And that is pretty much the way art works, so that’s fine.

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How you feel or what you do

Between tennis sets, my friend remarked upon the little boy of about six who was in the midst of a rigorous practice session with his father on the adjacent court.

“He’s really good!” she said. “But wow...his father is kind of harsh.”

“Yeah,” I said, thinking about the many years’ worth of parent-child dynamics I witnessed as an educator. “Sometimes that level of performance carries a cost.”

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