Posts tagged 121522
Strategic urgency

I’ve noticed that hurrying is a habit.

There’s a comfortable walking pace — and then there’s the faster, “I’m either running late or being chased by someone” version.

There’s a comfortable driving speed, and then there’s following the car in front of you too closely, running yellow lights, and drumming your fingers on the steering wheel impatiently whenever you happen to be stopped.

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Strong and confident

If you were to break your leg, it would be a terrible idea to try to walk on it.

The bones would be unable to bear your weight, and you would likely cause additional damage just by trying.

Once the broken bone is realigned and healing has begun, you would likewise disrupt the process if you were to attempt to walk without the assistance of crutches.

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Stepping up the cycles

As a coach, I like checking in with my clients every day.

Not all of them like checking in with me every day. But those who communicate with me in between appointments are able to accomplish more. It’s simply a question of having more cycles.

There is certainly a limit to how many cycles you can have between live appointments, but it’s not three and it’s not five. It’s a lot more. The more questions that my clients ask, the more we can answer together.

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Preparation and recovery

Last week, I experienced one of the most important events of my entire year.

It was the annual Recognition Ceremony for The Little Middle School, where we share praise for each other, present awards, and reflect on how we’ve grown and changed.

The event was only seventy-five minutes long, but it required much preparation. Award recipients had to be chosen, certificates and programs printed, and gifts purchased.

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