Posts tagged 012623
Becoming sixteen

When I was in my late twenties, I thought I might want to take up tennis.

I didn’t actually pursue it consistently — my life was too chaotic. However, I took a lesson at my mom’s club during a visit with family. My younger sister, who had played tennis in high school, was gracious enough to go down to the high school courts with me and hit some balls around.

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Playing the part

A few years ago, I had to front a band.

This was a bit of a crisis for me. I had spent twenty years trying to never be the “chick singer,” out there with just a tambourine for company (sorry, Stevie Nicks). I had always hid behind a guitar, piano, or even a drum set in order to present myself as a “real musician” (with all the internalized misogyny inherent in that statement).

And now, with all the roles filled, it was on me to just sing (and play a little tambourine).

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Making space for discomfort

When my siblings and I were little, my parents didn’t have special “kid dishes.” They served us scrambled eggs on bread plates.

Sometimes, the bread plates would run out, and they’d serve scrambled eggs on a saucer. Like all annoying kids, we might complain about it once we ate enough eggs to discover the indentation where the teacup was supposed to go.

My dad, undaunted, tricked us into believing we had won something special. He had a special song, like a fanfare: “The secret ring! You’ve found the secret ring!” Mollified or perhaps even pleased, the secret-ring-haver would would go back to eating their eggs.

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