Posts tagged 100522
After I get my work done

This spring, when I had a long and complicated commute in a sprawling city, I found myself looking forward to being back in Maine, able to create my own schedule.

I spent several hours a day at work, serving as the director of the microschool I founded ten years ago.

Solitude was scarce, and free time was limited.

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Goal vs. limit

I’m in the midst of growing my coaching and consulting business again after a several month hiatus.

It’s been fun to step up my activity and bring in some new clients now that I can fully focus on it.

It has suddenly become important to set a target number of clients. This is not a goal. I’m not striving intensely to get to that number.

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Generosity by doing less

One of the things you learn as a teacher is to hold back.

You can’t share everything you know, no matter how willing the student is. You have to slowly drip out the information over time. It’s even better when you can structure the student’s learning such that they are taking actions that lead to growth and insight without you having to explain anything.

For a student who is hesitant or uncomfortable, giving them everything you’ve got will be overwhelming and frustrating. You serve them better when you do less and give less.

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