Posts tagged 050223
Finding “good enough”

One of the most important things that I’ve learned from writing my own songs is how to find “good enough.”

There is a set point that a song needs to reach in which it feels good to sing it, the music and lyrics flow in a way that makes intuitive sense as a player and a listener, and it tells the story I intended for it to tell. Then, it’s complete. Put your pencil down.

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I kind of know what I’m doing

I’m doing some new things that feel big to me.

I’m consulting with a brand, helping them develop their TikTok presence.

I applied to give a talk at an upcoming conference — and shortly thereafter, I received an email from the conference organizer, inviting me to speak (she didn’t know I had applied).

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The art of insanity

One morning, I woke up thinking something I’ve never thought before.

Remember that old cliché about the definition of insanity? Supposedly Einstein said it, but in reality, he probably didn’t. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Before I even got out of bed, it occurred to me that it’s this “insanity” that we must confront when we’re learning a new skill or trying to create something new.

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Just enough to keep going

I wouldn’t have started this blog if I didn’t find it intrinsically valuable to spend the time writing.

That said, I’m not sure if I would have continued the blog if nobody read it.

But I want to be clear: I’m defining “nobody” as nobody. Not a single person.

Not like the teenager saying “nobody likes me” when they really mean that nobody popular pays attention to them.

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