Posts tagged 042023
Getting weirder

I’m writing this under my least favorite circumstances.

The RSS feed goes out in about ninety minutes, so this thing better be published by then.

I used to live like this all the time. I came to enjoy the ritual of writing every morning, and I still do. But I don’t necessarily enjoy publishing what I write on a tight deadline.

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Grow slow

In a mastermind the other day, one of my colleagues was attempting to figure out why I have so few followers on LinkedIn.

“How long have you been posting? Hmmm...well, maybe it’s because...” I could see him trying to figure out something encouraging to say, or some way to explain it.

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Ever the artist

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the unsustainability of what I’m doing.

I’m creating content daily on a few different platforms. I’d like to add more — more content and more platforms.

I’d like to learn how to create longer-form works, like longer articles or even books, videos between five and twenty minutes, and podcasts.

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The confidence to let go of success

Would you walk away from multiple social media accounts with over 10,000 followers?

This is the story of my friend Whitney who did just that.

She started doing nail art back in 2012 and quickly got really good at it, which is how she does most things. She has an obsessive attention to detail and the ability to focus intensely — plus, she works very quickly and has excellent fine motor skills. The combination is powerful.

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