Posts tagged 050823
Difficult on purpose

As a culture, we seek to create gentle environments for young children.

We give them thoughtfully designed toys and games and plenty of encouragement. We let them play with paints and make a mess. We tolerate it while they bang around on the piano. We offer them opportunities to help us with tiny tasks around the house, the garden, and in the kitchen.

It’s okay if it takes years for them to learn — we have years.

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Finding “good enough”

One of the most important things that I’ve learned from writing my own songs is how to find “good enough.”

There is a set point that a song needs to reach in which it feels good to sing it, the music and lyrics flow in a way that makes intuitive sense as a player and a listener, and it tells the story I intended for it to tell. Then, it’s complete. Put your pencil down.

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The big gamble

When I started my first business, I didn’t really think about the implications.

It didn’t feel like much of a commitment. Did I really need an exit plan for teaching music lessons? Nah. I figured I could do it is long as I wanted to, to whatever degree I wanted to.

That’s the nice thing about freelancing. That’s also the nice thing about being young — you don’t really think all the way through the consequences of your actions.

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