Posts tagged balancing risk and reward
Just enough to keep going

I wouldn’t have started this blog if I didn’t find it intrinsically valuable to spend the time writing.

That said, I’m not sure if I would have continued the blog if nobody read it.

But I want to be clear: I’m defining “nobody” as nobody. Not a single person.

Not like the teenager saying “nobody likes me” when they really mean that nobody popular pays attention to them.

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Measuring the magic

I went to an awful lot of trouble this fall to attend a conference in Bangkok.

It took a few hours and a couple thousand dollars to get everything booked. I had to block off several days during which I was unable to do anything for clients. I logged 30 hours of travel each way. I suffered from terrible jet lag.

And then, Covid.

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The invisible upside

It turns out that the nine-year-old piano students, the thirteen-year-old awkward middle schoolers, and the adult professionals I’ve worked with over the years have a lot in common.

One recurring theme is their (our) tendency to eliminate potential choices based on the whisper of a possible negative outcome.

We refuse to do something that we want to do because we’ll have to do something we don’t want to do along the way.

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