Posts tagged 112822
The river rushing by

In my city, there is a small restaurant that has a waiting list for brunch just about every weekend.

Theoretically, they are missing out on business as the wait gets longer. I stopped by one day at the height of the summer season. Upon finding out that it would take 45 minutes to be seated, I shook my head.

“See you in November!” I said with a smile. They laughed. I left.

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Your actual life

Some people live in the past. I’ve spent years living in the future in my mind.

Whatever I was doing was a means to an end. It was a train trip to some better destination.

During the one year I spent working in public school, I used every single one of my prep periods to research what I might do next, from teaching English in China to moving to Nashville or LA to be a professional musician.

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Stepping up the cycles

As a coach, I like checking in with my clients every day.

Not all of them like checking in with me every day. But those who communicate with me in between appointments are able to accomplish more. It’s simply a question of having more cycles.

There is certainly a limit to how many cycles you can have between live appointments, but it’s not three and it’s not five. It’s a lot more. The more questions that my clients ask, the more we can answer together.

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