Posts tagged 110222
Okay, fine, I’ll set a goal

At one point, I set a goal to have 500 students at my music school. We didn’t hit it.

Looking back, I’m glad we didn’t hit it. That sounds like too many students to manage. The goal was divorced from its context and the necessary infrastructure to support achieving it. It was arbitrary.

I know that lots of people are motivated by big goals like that. If the goal is designed to be too ambitious to reach, it pumps them up and they end up achieving more than they otherwise would have.

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Mercifully finite

Because I am a huge nerd, I like to time my tasks using a stopwatch.

Well, it’s not just because I’m a huge nerd. It’s also because I struggle with executive functioning and I have a terrible sense of time.

In order to be able to gain any mastery over my days, I’ve had to accommodate these weaknesses, so I use external tools like to compensate for my poor internal clock.

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Goal vs. limit

I’m in the midst of growing my coaching and consulting business again after a several month hiatus.

It’s been fun to step up my activity and bring in some new clients now that I can fully focus on it.

It has suddenly become important to set a target number of clients. This is not a goal. I’m not striving intensely to get to that number.

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