Posts tagged 102722
Mercifully finite

Because I am a huge nerd, I like to time my tasks using a stopwatch.

Well, it’s not just because I’m a huge nerd. It’s also because I struggle with executive functioning and I have a terrible sense of time.

In order to be able to gain any mastery over my days, I’ve had to accommodate these weaknesses, so I use external tools like to compensate for my poor internal clock.

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Goal vs. limit

I’m in the midst of growing my coaching and consulting business again after a several month hiatus.

It’s been fun to step up my activity and bring in some new clients now that I can fully focus on it.

It has suddenly become important to set a target number of clients. This is not a goal. I’m not striving intensely to get to that number.

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Doubling down

I have a tendency to slow down when things are going well.

It as though I’m heading off the highway and into a small, sleepy town. I have the sense that I’ve arrived at my destination. It’s 25 mph here, not 70. I wind through the streets, slowly taking turn after familiar turn.

That’s fine if I’m actually there. But more often than not, I’m not. I’m slowing down and exiting when I still have miles and miles to go.

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Construction vs. recognition

Kids do a lot of work to memorize their times tables, which is important.

Often, though, they get lost in the computation. If they’re not quick at addition yet, they sit there painfully adding sevens in their head until they get six of them. (It’s easier to add seven sixes, but we’ll get into that another time.)

What’s arguably even more important than multiplication when it comes to succeeding in math in school, however, is recognizing multiples and spotting their factors.

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Incompatible elements

I don’t like to call anyone out in my work, so trust me that this is not a story about a particular person, but a composite individual.

She is a gifted artist who created beautiful illustrations. This artist doesn’t want to sell her originals, only her prints. And she only wants to create work that features characters she’s created. She doesn’t want to do commissions and she doesn’t want to sell her work at festivals and farmer’s markets. She doesn’t want to be on social media, and she doesn’t want to do any networking in real life.

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