Posts tagged 102221
Losing to win

One of my students used to play a game with his classmates.

He was the only one playing it, but that didn't bother him. That helped him to win.

To win the game, you had to be first: first in line, first one on the train, first one off the train, first to have the answer.

The other students were focused on each other. They were too involved in flirting and joking around to notice who was first.

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Being weird and pursuing peers

In 2008, I felt like a weirdo.

I was running a business and didn’t know what I was doing, even though I had read every book I could find to help me. That’s not because I was failing; rather, I was starting to progress past the point where general advice could apply.

Plus, I had read Tim Ferriss’ The Four Hour Work Week, which got me fantasizing about a life in which I could travel around the world, working from anywhere. But that felt like something I should keep to myself. Sharing my ambitions felt like a swift way to destroy my career as a neighborhood music teacher.

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Resourceful enough to ask for help

When I was in my early twenties, I loved a succession of musical artists that I had only discovered through nerdy magazines.

I loved music that I had heard about from friends, too. And music I found about from the hipsters who worked at the record stores I frequented. But my appetite for new music could never be sated. I was always looking for more. Whenever I traveled, I was on a quest. Then, the expanding Internet made my job easier, but endless.

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What do you need?

One of the things I enjoy about life in 2020 is how easy it is to travel light.

I can run multiple businesses from a laptop and smartphone. I’ve got a camera, calculator, address book, and anything else I might need, right in my pocket.

Under such circumstances, I might be able to get away with the illusion that I’m independent — self-sufficient. But nothing could be further from the truth.

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