Posts tagged 111721
Circles and spirals

I figured something out recently that looked an awful lot like something I had figured out already.

It had to do with branding and business strategy, something I'm already pretty opinionated on. In short, I believe that a lot of the frameworks that are being presented as necessary and universal are not, and don't need to be implemented on a certain timeline (or at all).

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Swatching, scarcity, and shortcuts

It's taken some time, but I finally understand that the act of knitting is only part of the process of knitting.

It's possible to spend dozens of hours knitting a sweater only to find that it is about five sizes too big (it's happened to me). If you want to avoid that, you swatch.

A swatch is an opportunity to see how a given stitch pattern is going to look in a given yarn, using a given needle size. You can sometimes get away with skipping this process if you are knitting a scarf or something where the size doesn't really matter, but that's short-sighted.

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Not keeping score

It seems like it would make sense for things to be fair and equal.

You and your three collaborators on that presentation at work (or that seventh grade social studies project).

You and your sibling. You and your partner. You and your fellow senator.

Even though it seems like it would make sense for things to be fair and equal, however, keeping things equal is tricky.

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The fake aha

I used to teach a kid who would ask a question and then offer a big, showy “Ahhhhh!” or “Ohhhhhh!” when she heard the answer.

It took me a while to figure out that she was usually faking it. Either she wasn’t truly interested in the answer, or was afraid she would look stupid if she needed more than one quick explanation. Either way, she didn’t really get it. She wasn’t really engaging with me or whatever I was teaching—she just wanted to make it look like she was doing so.

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