Posts tagged 120122
Generosity by doing less

One of the things you learn as a teacher is to hold back.

You can’t share everything you know, no matter how willing the student is. You have to slowly drip out the information over time. It’s even better when you can structure the student’s learning such that they are taking actions that lead to growth and insight without you having to explain anything.

For a student who is hesitant or uncomfortable, giving them everything you’ve got will be overwhelming and frustrating. You serve them better when you do less and give less.

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Sharpening the blade

When my husband Kyle took his first wood-turning class, he learned that the pros sharpen their tools constantly.

The process of making a wooden bowl on a lathe creates an incredible amount of friction. That friction clears away wood fiber, but it also wears down the tools. Keeping them sharp makes the work easier and safer.

Soon after, Kyle realized that he could get the same benefit in the kitchen by keeping the knives sharp.

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The secret of my success

I’ll just tell you right at the top: The secret of my success is my employees.

Bringing other people into my business has made it possible for me to create something bigger than myself, which in turn makes it possible for me to spend my time building the next thing (or just enjoying life).

I can illustrate what I’m talking about with simple math. If I have six employees each working 30 hours a week, they are collectively working 180. That is more time than there is in a week, so I literally couldn’t do it without them.

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