Posts tagged 041323
Achieving greatness

In 1997, Alanis Morrissette went to India.

After touring behind her super-duper-smash hit album Jagged Little Pill, she took some time off. She returned with a sense of gratitude and bliss.

And of course, she never had another album that reached the same heights as her 1995 breakthrough. (Hardly anyone has.)

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Stop being thorough

The thing I appreciate most about being “the boss” is that I don’t have to spend a ton of time worrying about what “the boss” wants.

Sure, I try to do good work for clients. But I get to decide what that “good work” looks like and feels like. If the client and I have a mismatch, that’s not the right client for me.

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Boring and basic

“I think everyone has heard of that by now,” he said.

And I sat back and thought about that. There was no way it could possibly be true, but I didn’t think it would be very nice to say that in reply.

Certainly, my toddler nephew hasn’t heard of this whatever business practice we were discussing.

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Defending the ideal

Doctors and nurses recognize the limitations of human beings and incorporate that into their treatment plans.

That means that a patient might be prescribed a treatment that is less effective but is easier to stick to.

I think that’s a bit paternalistic. As a patient, I’d want all of my options and all of the information whenever possible.

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The right one

I wrote a script the other day for a video — and then I didn’t record it.

I had expected to deliver this script on camera. However, once I completed it, I thought maybe it would work better as a voiceover. I could create video footage of myself doing activities that would illustrate the ideas I was speaking about.

And thus, I postponed shooting by two days and counting.

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