Posts tagged 030123
A tiny bit of tidiness

In the film The Miracle Worker, there’s an intense scene in which Helen Keller (played by Anna “Patty” Duke) and Anne Sullivan (played by Anne Bancroft) have a battle over breakfast.

The deaf-blind Helen, having received no education or training, is resistant to the efforts of her young teacher, Miss Sullivan, to instruct and guide her. Put bluntly, she’s spoiled. Miss Sullivan is intent on getting Helen to sit at the table, eat off of a plate, and use a utensil instead of her hands.

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Defending the ideal

Doctors and nurses recognize the limitations of human beings and incorporate that into their treatment plans.

That means that a patient might be prescribed a treatment that is less effective but is easier to stick to.

I think that’s a bit paternalistic. As a patient, I’d want all of my options and all of the information whenever possible.

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Winning every day

When you’re confident, you can aim for a goal that will require more resources than you have.

You won’t reach the goal — you can’t — but maybe you’ll get farther than you would have if you had set your sights on something more reasonable.

I’ve spent a lot of my career exploring what happens when this doesn’t work. When someone sets a goal they had no business trying to reach, without the confidence to survive falling short.

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