Posts tagged 042723
Providing value

You don’t have to look too far online to find people offering free information in the name of “providing value.”

Sometimes, this free information is worth a lot. I taught myself to knit using little more than YouTube. I’m grateful to the people out there who created all those videos demonstrating the various stitches and techniques — without them, I would still be lost.

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Finding the escape route

Several years ago, my brother, who is a software developer, changed jobs and went to work for a different company.

A pioneer in the work-from-home movement, he would still be coding from amidst the tangle of cables and blinking lights in his basement. But he’d be collaborating on an all-new project with all-new people.

I felt a pang of jealousy. “That’s not fair,” I thought. “He gets to work somewhere new, and I’m stuck doing the same thing.”

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Achieving greatness

In 1997, Alanis Morrissette went to India.

After touring behind her super-duper-smash hit album Jagged Little Pill, she took some time off. She returned with a sense of gratitude and bliss.

And of course, she never had another album that reached the same heights as her 1995 breakthrough. (Hardly anyone has.)

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