Posts tagged 021623
Slower and smaller

Over the holidays, a family member mentioned that he’s been learning to play guitar.

Or, he had been learning, but it turned out to be more difficult than he had thought, so he gave up in frustration.

He used an app that showed the sequence of notes to play as the recording of a given song played in the background. The notation moved along, conveyor-belt style, sort of like the game Guitar Hero.

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Nested all-or-nothings

I received hundreds of comments on a recent video in which I used the clearing of a brush pile to demonstrate how a person might make incremental progress toward a goal.

Such a high volume of engagement yields fascinating patterns. One common response goes something like this: “Oh, I could never do a project over multiple days. When I do something, I have to get it all the way done.”

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The right one

I wrote a script the other day for a video — and then I didn’t record it.

I had expected to deliver this script on camera. However, once I completed it, I thought maybe it would work better as a voiceover. I could create video footage of myself doing activities that would illustrate the ideas I was speaking about.

And thus, I postponed shooting by two days and counting.

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