Posts in Humane productivity
What to do on which day

On the one hand, a hand-written to-do list is simple and elegant.

You write down what you’re going to do, and then do the things, one by one.

It has its limitations, though. One weakness of the written to-do list is that today is the only day that you can plan for.

My days got a lot more productive when I could assign tasks to specific days in the future and track them accordingly.

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Tasks like dishes

Sometimes, doing work tasks is like doing the dishes after a big meal.

As long as it all gets done, the order isn’t important.

To avoid laboring over the simile, let’s just talk about doing the dishes first.

It might seem like it makes more sense to do the big pots and pans first, but if you have a shallow sink like mine, they might not be able to fit based on what’s already in there.

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