Posts tagged 070820
Mind your metaphors

“Everything is falling apart, and I can’t hold on.”

“I find myself being a collector of other people’s bad feelings.”

“I worry about being invisible.”

These statements are all metaphorical. The circumstances they are describing cannot be literally true (except that the first one could perhaps be true in an earthquake or tornado).

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Wrong answers are more interesting

In the midst of a quick lesson on Figaro’s Aria from Rossini’s The Barber of Seville, we asked the middle schoolers, “Where is Seville?”

Just a simple, boring question, meant to establish some context.

However, the answer was interesting. It was not incorrect per se, but demonstrated intriguingly faulty reasoning.

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Every word matters

A teacher reached out to colleagues to ask for help with her African-American males.

That’s what she said: “my African-American males.” Not male students — just “males.”

I applaud this teacher, who happens to be white, for asking for help in order to learn more about the experience of her students and how she can mentor them more effectively. Step one is to stop using the word “males” to identify them.

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