Posts tagged 030821
Building the buffer

Teachers and other authority figures sometimes get criticized for their arbitrary rules.

When I began my teaching career, I vowed that I would always give students the benefit of the doubt. That’s still true, on an individual level. But at the very same time, I prepare for the worst. And that means anticipating where the behavior of a group, or individuals in a group, can go wrong, and building in safeguards.

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How I know that I'm full of crap

In these pandemic times, there’s little difference between the days for work-at-home types like me.

Sure, once the things get rolling, there are more messages and pings on a weekday, and there is more traffic in my tiny city. But the predawn hours are tranquil; an early Sunday is indistinguishable from an early Monday. Both are dark and still.

So why would my Sunday self be unable to write while my Monday self is capable of it? Why does my Sunday self seek to crawl back into bed?

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I'm sorry, I have plans.

I suspect that a lot of the world’s most prolific Internet meme creators and curators are introverts. There seems to be a disproportionate number of memes focusing on the habits and preferences of people who would rather do anything but commit to plans with their fellow humans.

Though I am an extrovert, I can relate; I am a morning person who loves to be in bed by nine. I wasn’t always this way, though. I was young and fun once upon a time. But even when I wanted to get to bed early, I didn’t know how to allow myself the privilege. I worked six days a week and still said yes to everything. It wore me out.

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Ahead of the game

My team and I teach our students to create their own learning plans.

It’s exciting to empower them to make their own decisions about pacing. For instance, if they want to finish an algebra textbook by April 1, they might realize that they have to do two hours outside of class each weekday. When this “homework” is self-administered and in the service of a goal, they are much more enthusiastic about it.

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Make an appointment with yourself

For years, I did my most important work in the nooks and crannies of my life.

I was so busy serving clients during the workday and into the evening that key activities, like curriculum development and building a website, took place during weekends and (shudder) holidays.

I also had little time for non-career-related self-development (like hobbies, exercise, friends, and fun).

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