Posts tagged 011921
My 2021 to-do list

With the holidays over and some changes to my day-to-day schedule as of next week, I’m in the perfect position to set some intentions for what I’d like to accomplish. Oh yeah, and it’s a fresh new year, too.

Daily blogging has shown me that even with the world falling apart, I can make a commitment and stick to it. Even better, the commitment itself creates a foundation for my days that I can build on. I’m ready to do that. Apparently, I’m ready to do it publicly. Here we go.

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Why some of us succeed and some do not

Have you ever enrolled in a course that you didn’t finish?

I know I have. With online courses, it’s especially easy. It goes along with the books I’ve purchased but never read and the exercise equipment I used once. You just kind of…move on.

Sometimes, dropping out is no big deal. But other times, the results are heartbreaking. Failing to complete high school can limit a person’s job prospects dramatically, and failing to stick to a doctor-recommended diet and exercise regimen can mean the difference between a long, healthy life and a short and miserable one.

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Make an appointment with yourself

For years, I did my most important work in the nooks and crannies of my life.

I was so busy serving clients during the workday and into the evening that key activities, like curriculum development and building a website, took place during weekends and (shudder) holidays.

I also had little time for non-career-related self-development (like hobbies, exercise, friends, and fun).

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Taming the tyranny of time

Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with my perception of time.

I am on board with the concept that time is fluid and nonlinear. I’ve had more trouble with the more basic idea that time is finite in practice.

I might glance at the clock at 6:03. Then I brush my teeth, gather a few things to put in my bag, and put on my shoes. Guess what! It isn’t 6:03 anymore. How is that possible???

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How to turn "someday" into "today"

What happens when you clear the decks to make room for your work — that most challenging work that you have been putting off but you know you need to do?

For many of us, nothing.

One of the weirder discoveries in observing my work habits, as well as those of my students, employees, and the people I coach, is that time has so little to do with whether something gets done.

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