Posts tagged 051123
I have to be the one

Back in the olden days, I prided myself on being able to customize each music lesson to the needs and requirements of the student.

I benefited from this versatility. It meant that every student was a good fit. When a family wanted rock guitar for one kid and classical piano for the other, I could deliver, building an equally good rapport with the thirteen-year-old boy and the seven-year-old girl.

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A tiny bit of tidiness

In the film The Miracle Worker, there’s an intense scene in which Helen Keller (played by Anna “Patty” Duke) and Anne Sullivan (played by Anne Bancroft) have a battle over breakfast.

The deaf-blind Helen, having received no education or training, is resistant to the efforts of her young teacher, Miss Sullivan, to instruct and guide her. Put bluntly, she’s spoiled. Miss Sullivan is intent on getting Helen to sit at the table, eat off of a plate, and use a utensil instead of her hands.

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Projects, practices, and processes

I cleaned the kitchen yesterday. Good for me!

Unfortunately, I only cleaned it after breakfast. I neglected to clean it after dinner, so I have a bunch of dishes, pots, and pans waiting for me this morning.

As much as I’d like to think of cleaning the kitchen as a project that I can just do once and get out of the way, it’s more of a practice — a project that must be done every day, or even more than once a day.

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