Posts tagged 091322
The non-linear

One of my pet peeves over the years has been the way adults fawn over talented children.

“If he’s this good at the piano at age eight, imagine how incredible he’ll be in ten years!”

First of all, I’d like to see us, as a culture, respect kids as human beings in the here and now. What about the accomplishments they’ve already made? And what can they contribute today? We don’t have to put pressure on them to live up to the future that we imagine for them.

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Commitment and change

My friend Tyler is almost a year into a round-the-world sailing trip.

However, he’s in the midst of selling his sailboat and buying a different one. A trimaran, acquired in New Zealand. (He did not sail to New Zealand; he got there by plane.)

One of the things I admire about Tyler is that he doesn’t have a lot of rules for himself. He has lived off the grid. He’s lived on the grid. He does what he wants.

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Adding or removing layers

I'm trying to get out a little bit more. I enjoyed game night at a friend's house recently.

I spent my first few months here in Atlanta working so hard that I hardly saw anyone. Now, with only two months left here, I'm wanting to visit with friends more often.

To do it, though, I have to remove some of the layers of routine that prevent my life from falling apart.

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At the top

This week, Ashleigh Barty, the number-one ranked women's tennis player in the world, announced her retirement from the sport at age twenty-five.

It made international headlines. Who quits at the top?

Barty said that she knows all too well what it takes to bring out her best, and she doesn't want to do it anymore. She doesn't have the drive.

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