Posts tagged 092622
The real work

Now that I’ve completed a project that I’ve been busy with for a decade, I can see myself making the same mistake I counsel others against.

I keep thinking that I will get to the end of my to-do list and have time for my new project.

I’m supporting clients. I’m overseeing all of the important administrative details of my daily existence. I’m working through a somehow self-propagating list of tasks associated with my existing projects.

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Finding the whitespace

Back in the beginning of the pandemic, there were these schedules going around that some overzealous (or maybe just desperate) parents made to impose some kind of structure to the day and prevent it from devolving into twelve hours of screen time.

Most of these schedules had colored bands to make them look friendly or to categorize activities. To me, they just looked overwhelming.

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When, exactly?

A lot of us entrepreneurs and artists always have a list of projects we want to do.

It's an impulse that is difficult to quiet. We could take up calligraphy, start a taco stand, record an album of songs played entirely on toy instruments, or finally sort that scary box of papers in the corner and see who we might owe money to.

It's a strange feeling when there is nothing to grow, fix, or tinker with.

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Ten minutes at a time

The very hardest, most meaningful tasks don’t always make it onto our to-do lists.

Because you can’t really do a project — you can only do a task related to that project — we might struggle to start the projects that are important to us. Day after day, what we dream of doing remains undone in favor of the urgent and easily knowable.

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