Posts tagged 033023
Meant for growth

One of the luxuries of adulthood is that you can spend most of your time doing things that you’re already good at.

As you come to have the means to do so, you can regulate your environment so that you have few surprises and everything is where you like it.

Consequently, you don’t have to be uncomfortable unless something happens beyond your control or you choose to do something new.

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Making room for the next thing

I used to struggle to stick with things, especially creative projects.

The Internet is littered with my abandoned websites, blogs and profiles. My hard drives are crusted over with books I’ve started writing and various courses that I began developing and never completed.

There are plenty of people out there who will tell me that I didn’t want it badly enough, I allowed myself to fail, I lacked discipline, or I didn’t believe in myself.

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The big gamble

When I started my first business, I didn’t really think about the implications.

It didn’t feel like much of a commitment. Did I really need an exit plan for teaching music lessons? Nah. I figured I could do it is long as I wanted to, to whatever degree I wanted to.

That’s the nice thing about freelancing. That’s also the nice thing about being young — you don’t really think all the way through the consequences of your actions.

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