Posts tagged 051623
Being careful what you wish for

It was March of 2010, and things were looking bleak.

Or maybe it was March of 2011. It could have been either — I had a lot of bleak years. Anyway, on this particular occasion, I had sat down with my mother to go over the financials for my music school, Eclectic Music.

Revenue was fine. But revenue is not really the important number, is it? What really matters is profit, and mine was nonexistent.

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The dread-o-meter

I remember being jealous of my cat.

There I was in high school, faced with the misery of having to write a research paper.

Meanwhile, all Kitty had to do was curl up in a fluffy orange ball and look cute. She could sleep whenever she wanted to and relax the rest of the time. It wasn’t fair at all.

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