Posts tagged 030322
When you're already killing it

My favorite, favorite thing to do is work with people who already incredible at what they do.

Sure, it's kind of cheating. It's not very hard to help someone great become even greater.

Superstars move quickly, meaning that results show up quickly, too. And they tend to make a big impact. They influence others, meaning that helping these leaders is a way of helping many people all at once.

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Invisible solutions

Even though most of us have computers in our pockets, it's still entirely possible to get stuck.

A million things have changed since I was twelve (for instance, there's now the Internet), but today's twelve-year-olds are often just as helpless as I was to find a solution to a problem or an answer to a question.

In order to solve a problem or find an answer, you have to know what to search for. You have to know what questions to ask.

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Avoiding not doing the thing we don't know we must do

For years, I resisted getting the online version of my bookkeeping software.

It was a monthly fee for each business, whereas my existing desktop software had already been purchased and could be used for multiple businesses with no further expense.

Unfortunately, the desktop version of the software was buggy, unreliable, and didn't import transactions on its own. Attempting to use it required a lot of troubleshooting, and I always seemed to be accessing the wrong file or the wrong computer.

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Taming a tendency

I am changing.

Just recently, I made a series of decisions that were radically different from those I would have made in the past, setting me on a new path.

While I can't trace this shift to one particular source, I believe that it's the result of attending conferences, reading books, having stimulating and challenging conversations, watching videos, and listening to podcasts—in short, encountering a constant stream of new ideas that are altering my mental landscape.

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Learn how the pros do it

The other day, a friend sent pictures of five pies she and her wife had made.

"Recipe testing," she said.

And I had to laugh. Of course. Recipe testing. That makes so much sense. And I've never done it.

It's another example of how people who are good at a thing have a fundamentally different approach from those who aren't. The people who are good at the thing use a different set of tactics that yields much better results.

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