Posts tagged 122321
Just for the fun of it

I watched a bunch of episodes of Fraggle Rock as a kid, but there's only one that I remember with any clarity.

Among the Fraggles, there lived creatures called Doozers. They were continually building and rebuilding structures in and among the rock formations of their habitat. The Fraggles ate these structures, which is why the Doozers were constantly rebuilding.

Well, in one episode, the Fraggles feel guilty and decide to stop eating the Doozers' structures.

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Truths and stories

Maine is currently experiencing one of the worst Covid outbreaks in the United States.

The new case rate is third in the nation, behind only Colorado and Michigan.

But hold on a second. Maine is also one of the least populous states. It’s number 42 out of 50, with only about 1.3 million people. So the total daily average of new reported cases is only 238. That’s actually 32nd in the nation based on the raw numbers.

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