Posts tagged 051922
Not selling so hard

I would argue that This American Life is the spiritual ancestor of a great many podcasts.

Like so many works of art, from the songs and guitar stylings of Chuck Berry to the stand-up comedy of Steve Martin, the show’s influence is so pervasive that it is all but invisible.

But when it first came out, there was nothing like it. I used to time my college laundry runs to take place on Sunday evenings so that I could listen to This American Life on my Sony Walkman while I trekked down to the dorm basement.

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Trying to get fancy

In teaching middle school writing, I’ve observed that so-called “creative writing” techniques get in the way of clear communication.

Elementary students are encouraged to use metaphor, descriptions of sensory experiences, and colorful adverbs and adjectives.

The result is that, by the time they get to middle school, half of the students are submitting work that is florid and overwrought.

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What if you're not broken?

I was talking with a friend who has been working with a mindset coach.

She had been sensing a problem with her business and thought that maybe she could be achieving more. Now, she’s trying to figure out what’s next. Some things have become clear, and some are still uncertain.

That will likely always be the case. We never achieve the perfect mindset — we can always keep growing and getting better.

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Professional graffiti

I'm delighted by the prehistoric humans who drew and painted on their cave walls so long ago. Through their art, we can connect with them and learn from them across millennia.

I tolerate the humans who tag bus shelters and train stations with spray paint and carve their names into trees in an arguably less attractive and archaeologically significant way of saying, "I was here."

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You don't have to do more

Lately, everyone I talk to feels like they should be doing more.

There’s a sense of guilt over who we could be vs. who we are.

But all we really are obligated to do is stay alive. We’ve got to eat and sleep and bathe.

Then we have responsibilities to the people depending on us: our pets and minor children. And we need to hold up our end of the bargain in our committed relationships.

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