What grades can't measure


We all know that grades don’t correlate to success in life by any measure (wealth, happiness, power, number of Pokemons caught).

I was your classic straight-A student, and I have made enough epic life mistakes to prove definitively that grades don’t even measure intelligence.

Even though we know that grades don’t mean anything in the long run, it’s scary to give them up. After all, they do give us a map of what matters in school and how to be successful there.

What’s not on the map? These are the traits, skills, and knowledge that are illegible. They are hard to measure, and therefore, schools don’t bother to try. But it could be argued that these are more important than the traits, skills, and knowledge we get graded on — and more relevant to success in life, again by any measure.

Here are just a few:

  • The ability to put people at ease

  • Frugality

  • Risk tolerance

  • Spiritual understanding

  • A good sense of direction

  • Sense of humor (especially when you can make people laugh)

  • Humility

  • Empathy

  • Sense of style

  • Proprioception (body awareness)

  • Standing up for what’s right

  • Skill at training animals

  • Salesmanship

  • Generosity

  • The ability to relate to and connect with people of different ages, abilities, and backgrounds

  • Innovation

  • Leadership

  • The willingness to do something and not get credit

  • Storytelling

  • Conveying a sense of authority

  • Caring for others

There are many more. What would you add to the list?

What illegible strengths and skills do you have? What about your child?