Posts tagged 111422
What people get wrong about imposter syndrome

I don’t remember when I started hearing about it, but soon I started hearing about it everywhere.

Suddenly, imposter syndrome was the thing, even though the term has been around since the 1970s. So many people in my circle were writing about it, talking about it, and apparently suffering from it.

However, I have observed a distortion in our collective discussions about imposter syndrome. People are using the label to describe feelings of insecurity about their inexperience or lack of qualifications.

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The unapologetic schoolmarm

As many women do, I found myself recently in one of those cocktail party conversations that I didn’t realize until later that I could have ended much sooner.

I was working to maintain a comfortable distance from my conversation partner, who had apparently been drinking heavily. Unconsciously, he closed the distance every time until he had backed me directly into a tree.

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Inspiration vs. aspiration

Catching up with TikTok friends on a Sunday morning, I was intrigued by a tag on a new acquaintance’s post: #skoolie.

Clicking on it, I found myself in a world of people who are taking #vanlife to the next level by converting old school buses into tiny homes and using them to explore the country.

I don’t think I’ll ever be one of them — driving is one of my least favorite activities. But I watched several videos and enjoyed them for a number of reasons.

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The reluctant leader

Awhile back, the parent of a student at my school learned some concerning information about another student.

She had this information because her daughter had shared it with her. She sat on it for weeks, hoping that another parent would come forward with it so that she wouldn’t have to.

Eventually, this parent, Amy, got in touch to pass this information along to me. But why was Amy contacting me and not the parent of the other student?

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