Posts tagged 082520
My magnum opus: a clean kitchen counter

I had an agenda for the summer.

Of course, I had already given up on my usual summer agenda of traveling, visiting family, and having a lighter workload than usual due to school being out. So, my new agenda accounted for the coronavirus restrictions and complications and mandated a season of creative work. I planned for a high output, taking advantage of plenty of free time.

That didn’t happen. Even though I have the time, taking care of immediate concerns consumes most of my energy, leaving little left over for more work.

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The reality of The Season

A friend’s five-year-old has taken to calling the time of coronavirus “The Season.”

She doesn’t like The Season: No school, porch visits only, masks and physical distance. Right there with ya, kid.

It’s important to me to have a sense of ease in my work — but discomfort is also a key element of growth. The harmony between these two states is what keeps us learning effectively. We want to see juuuuust the right amount of discomfort melting into ease again and again, little by little, like adding flour to your eggs and butter.

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Everything can change

The big budget-killer for us was always restaurants. My husband and I loved going out to eat, and we didn’t put enough effort into planning meals. So when there was no food in the fridge or we didn’t get home from work until 6 PM — oh no! — we’d go to a restaurant.

I’m using past tense because everything is different now.

Restaurants are opening in our area, but we’re going out to eat or getting takeout only once a week or so.

We’ve made grocery shopping and meal planning a priority. We have completely new habits and a new routine thanks to the coronavirus lockdown. It seemed impossible before, but this is who we are now. We’ve changed.

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