Posts tagged 042922
Doing the next thing right

My uncle, whom I quote all the time on this blog, has a saying that he shares with those who are uncertain about the future.

He says, “Do the next right thing. And when you don’t know the next right thing, do the next thing right.”

This solves a lot of problems. There are so many times that I’ve been unsettled and listless only to realize that I was making life way more complicated than it needed to be. All I needed to do was drive safely to my destination, slice this tomato evenly, or fold this towel.

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Listening for the "ugh"

When you're overwhelmed at work, there is an excess of inputs, resulting in more information than you can effectively process.

Everything feels bad, and nothing seems to be getting any better.

At those times, we ought to pick something small to do, commit to it, and get it all the way done, ignoring everything else for that time. Then, we can repeat the process with something else. These little wins can help us chip away at the overwhelmingness.

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Press the button

One of the hard parts about getting stuff done is figuring out the right stuff to do.

But once you've figured out the right stuff to do — or at least one thing in particular — the other hard part is doing it.

If you're struggling with the second part, here are some things that you might try.

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