Posts tagged 022822
Creative constipation

These days, when I go more than a couple of days without sitting down to write, I feel a little bit off.

It's as though I forgot to take my vitamins or apply sunscreen. I can live without these aspects of my routine, but I prefer not to.

That's how powerful our habits can become: For better or worse, we don't feel like ourselves without them.

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Unfounded satisfaction

When I was growing up, a friend’s house had slightly pink, soft lighting in the master bathroom.

Her mother said that she wanted the forgiving light so that she didn't have to feel bad every time she looked at herself in the mirror.

Another friend said, "I would want the lights to be bright so that I could fix things and look better."

Ah. To be sixteen again. Some things you can't fix, child. But this points to a divide:

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Still growing, still learning

“I don’t really feel like I have much left to say.”

That’s what I said to myself in an audio journal about six weeks into my daily blogging experiment.

It might have actually been true at the time. I hadn’t yet trained my brain to come up with new ideas every day, so I was still documenting ideas I’d already thought of. I was working through a backlog of stuff I wanted to talk about, and I was, indeed, coming to the end of it.

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Reflections on a year of daily blogging

Okay, technically it hasn’t been daily blogging. I do give myself (and you) the weekends off.

But on February 28, 2019, I wrote my first article and clicked “publish.” And I’ve done it every weekday since then. And I have learned a lot over the past year.

There are two things that stand out the most. Unsurprisingly, they mirror the themes I like to talk about in my articles.

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