Do you know who you are?

Listen, I’m not responsible for the art on this site. I just put my head down and write the articles.

Listen, I’m not responsible for the art on this site. I just put my head down and write the articles.

You’re wondering why you have to do this.

Why this painful, uncomfortable work was chosen for you.

All around you, it seems like other people have it easier. A fraction of the responsibility and double the reward.

More free time, more fun.

And you’re stuck wishing for an even share of the resources. An equitable distribution of duties between you and the others.

I’m here to tell you that this will never be possible. You can’t have what you have and long for what they have. Here’s the truth: You see beyond what they see. You’re doing what you can with what you’ve got, and whether because of experience or just plain talent, it goes farther with less effort.

Sorry — that’s just reality. If you have the skills and ability, you’re probably going to be called to be a leader. You can’t shrink back and hide, as appealing as that may seem. You’re going to have to step up.

Sure, you can focus on what’s not fair. You can look at what they’re not doing, but that’s a waste of your energy. Instead, you can let go of how you think things should be and make the most of how they are: You have an opportunity to make things happen if you stop whining about why it has to be you every time.

I can’t promise you that it will ever add up. I can’t promise that you’ll be recognized for your efforts or even appreciated. You may be successful in making the contribution you seek to make in the world, you may not. But I hope you can find satisfaction in becoming a fuller version of yourself, someone who is willing to do the hard things, be uncomfortable, and lean into a challenge.

You’re a person who can inspire others to follow your path. You’re showing them what’s possible and who they can be. But first, you need to step into that role yourself.

Do you know who you are? You’re amazing. Golden. A light in the world. If you choose to be.

Okay, yes…I am writing this to a twelve-year-old who is mad about the challenging math book she’s been placed in and the group project she’s been saddled with. But I’m also writing it to you. Because it applies equally to your situation, whatever it is.

We all have moments when we feel overstretched and overwhelmed and wish to retreat. We all have times when we want to speak up, but it’s easier to not. We all have times when we want to leave Excalibur in the damn rock and walk away. But what if we were to believe that there really is more that we are capable of?

It might be for nothing. But it might pay off. Try it and see.