Clear the way workshop

A ninety-day program to help you make tangible, measurable progress on your business with the support and encouragement of a small group.

The Clear the Way Workshop is an intimate cohort of six to eight leaders who are committed to achieving success on their own terms in a way that is aligned with their values.

Our next session begins the week of September 11, 2023.

Casey’s Clear the Way Workshop is the most compassionate yet productive group coaching program that I have ever been part of.

The workshop’s holistic approach to strategy, planning, and mindset has been instrumental in my achievements, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a practical, results-driven coaching experience.
— Amanda Gorman, Finding Your Village
This workshop has helped me more than I can ever say to change how I see my business and the narratives I was operating under that I’ve realized no longer apply or have weight.
— T.

Direct, practical guidance when and where you need it.

You’ve probably taken all the courses and done the expensive programs. You’ve learned a few things and collected a number of tactics, but it’s still a leap to figure out how to apply them to your specific situation.

And even when you get clarity on that, the obstacles of daily life interfere with your ability to sit down and implement what you know.

As the days go by without consistent action, you lose confidence in yourself and your vision. It becomes even more of an effort to try to pick up where you left off — especially as your plan keeps changing to keep up with your personal and professional growth.

That’s where the Clear the Way Workshop can help. Together, we determine a strategy that’s aligned with your vision and values, create a plan, and see that plan all the way through to completion, dealing with the mindset and logistical challenges along the way.

Hi! 👋 I’m Casey.

I started my first business back in 2002 without even realizing I was doing it — I just thought I was teaching music lessons. I grew that business into a music school, started another school, and then another. After making every mistake multiple times, I’ve survived to help other business owners accomplish their goals much faster than I did.

Over the decades as both an entrepreneur and educator, I’ve noticed that a lot of the so-called best practices aren’t the best at all. They’re just what we’re used to. I’m passionate about questioning “the way we’ve always done it” to find a way to help the many people for whom the regular way doesn’t seem to work, whether in music, math, or marketing.

There’s a lot of noise out there — much more than when I began. Everyone wants to tell you something and sell you something. I want to help you find a path forward that gets you where you want to go as easily, happily, and profitably as possible.

Who is this for?

This is for you if it matters to you how the work feels. You’re not just trying to make as many dollars as quickly as possible (although some dollars would be nice); you really want to create something both profitable and meaningful. And you want to do it in a sustainable way, without wearing out.

Perhaps you recognize yourself in one of the following descriptions:

The Passion Pivoter. Having had a successful first career, you now want to build a business around something you’re deeply passionate about. Now you have to find your way through the challenge of starting over (perhaps with an already full plate), while dealing with the nagging concern that nobody wants what you want to offer.

The Brand Builder. You’ve built a strong brand with a passionate audience, but you aren’t seeing a lot of financial success to go along with your visibility. In other words, you’re not making sales. On top of that, maybe you’re not sure exactly what direction you want to grow in.

The Craftsperson. You are very good at what you do. The trouble is, you’re so busy doing it, polishing it, and perfecting it that you are having a hard time putting yourself and your work out there when it’s time to find new clients and customers.

The Runaway Success. You’re enjoying high demand due to your great marketing and product. It looks like everything is going great, but you are struggling to keep up and on the verge of burning out. You need to find a way to create something more sustainable.

Whatever the issue, we can build a business strategy that will bring your business closer in line with what you hoped it would be when you started — and maybe even better.

Here’s what you get:

  • A clear strategy for the aspect of your business you’re choosing to focus on (or for your business as a whole).

  • A customized plan for strategy implementation that evolves along with you as you progress through the program.

  • Inspiration, ideas, and helpful frameworks to guide your work.

  • Daily support and accountability to keep your day-to-day progress aligned with your goals for the program.

  • A community of fellow business owners working in complementary spaces.

  • Ample opportunity to “brain dump” and process what’s going on in your business and mind (especially helpful when you’re not sure what question to ask).

  • Direct contact with Casey as often as needed (not a robot, not a recording, not a staff member).

You might choose to spend our ninety days together determining your positioning, developing an offer, designing a course, building a marketing plan, creating content, or simply establishing a routine to push past the place you’ve been stuck for months or years. Whatever the goal, we will work on strategy, planning, and mindset to help you achieve it within the time frame you have specified.

What you’ve developed is incredibly powerful. The value is mind-blowing.
— Orlando B.

Here’s how you get it:

  • Weekly live discussion on topics related to strategy, planning, mindset, values, marketing, and other topics relevant to our work.

  • Twice weekly “office hours” calls to get live support on your specific business challenges.

  • Daily direct support in our private forum.

  • Access to additional educational resources as needed.

To a great degree, this program is what you make it. The more you participate, the more attention you receive.

And if you’re struggling to participate, we can work on that problem, too. Nobody falls through the cracks. No one is taken for granted.

The bottom line

Your total investment:

3 monthly payments of $495

The Clear the Way Workshop is a great way to make significant progress on a project that matters to you.

I beta-tested it in the summer of 2022 with a wonderful group of seven business owners, and the experience was positive for all of us. We’ve been going ever since!

If it feels right, go ahead and enroll below. We begin the week of September 11, 2023.

And if you need a little more information first, I’m happy to talk to you about whether it might be a fit for you.